Category: Lesson Delivery and Instruction

Magna Learning Center

This extensive digital library of on-demand programs provides teachers with a collection of practical pedagogical topics that address their diverse needs in the classroom.

Leveraging the Neuroscience of Trauma for Informed Teaching

This special two-part Magna Online Seminar provides actionable ideas and tools for teaching with a trauma-sensitive approach.

Four Common Teaching Traps and How to Avoid Them

Discover how to identify each of the four most common teaching problems, explore their implications, and understand warning signs and solutions.

How to Improve Academic Lectures with TED Talk Principles: Connect, Convey, Communicate

For teachers who struggle with engaging content delivery, this online seminar gives specific, practical steps to add enthusiasm and excitement to teaching and presentations.

How to Use Interactive Lecturing as Pedagogy of Engagement

This online seminar details interactive lecturing, a model for combining lectures and active learning techniques, that can engage students and improve learning.

Essential Teaching Principles: A Resource Collection for Teachers

This book serves as a quick and ready reference as you encounter the challenges of teaching.

What 5 Play-based Activities Can I Use to Create an Active, Learning-centered Class?

This informative program brings to life classroom-tested games that work to build student rapport and inject new life into lecture-heavy teaching.

What is Gamification and How Can it Promote a Growth Mindset?

Gamification uses gaming elements and mechanics in a nongame context. This 20-Minute Mentor will be your guide!

How Can I Inspire Creative Confidence in the Classroom?

You’ll learn how to use 21st-century approaches and techniques, like transactive thinking and creativity tools, to help your students imagine, innovate, and implement.

How Do I Create and Implement Microlectures?

Gain a clear picture of how microlectures can help you deliver a meaningful learning experience, foster a personal connection with students, and more.