Category: Magna All Access

How Can I Spark Conversation in the Classroom?

This 20-Minute Mentor introduces four tried-and-true techniques to create a learning environment that is literally buzzing with student conversation.

How Can I Encourage Students to Stay Connected with Course Content After Class?

Learn techniques you can use to deepen student understanding of course material—after class is over—that you presented in the classroom.

How Can I Create a Platform for Difficult Conversations in the Online Classroom?

Explore a simple framework to engage in difficult conversations, apply it to applicable scenarios, and gain strategies to have successful resolutions to difficult topics.

What 5 Play-based Activities Can I Use to Create an Active, Learning-centered Class?

This informative program brings to life classroom-tested games that work to build student rapport and inject new life into lecture-heavy teaching.

How Can the Three C’s of Course Design Enhance Students’ Online Performance?

This informative program focuses on three key elements of effective online class design to better engage your online students and promote student success.

What is Gamification and How Can it Promote a Growth Mindset?

Gamification uses gaming elements and mechanics in a nongame context. This 20-Minute Mentor will be your guide!

How Can I Build Community in My Online Classes?

Discover effective, easy-to-implement techniques to help instill in your online students the cooperation, trust, respect, and enthusiasm that are hallmarks of strong learning communities.

How Can I Inspire Creative Confidence in the Classroom?

You’ll learn how to use 21st-century approaches and techniques, like transactive thinking and creativity tools, to help your students imagine, innovate, and implement.

How Can I Leverage Force Multipliers in the Classroom?

Get help with all the things that matter to you: grading, teaching, interacting with students, and kindling students interest in learning.

How Can I Add Interactivity to My Online Content?

Discover the two types of memory, the key roles they play in learning, and utilize the tools to prepare your own interactive online content.

How Do I Align Learning Objectives with Technology Using Backward Design?

Learn how to peel back the layers of your teaching challenges and work backwards from your learning objectives to your choice of technology solutions.

How Do I Create and Implement Microlectures?

Gain a clear picture of how microlectures can help you deliver a meaningful learning experience, foster a personal connection with students, and more.

How Can I Assess Critical Thinking with Objective Items?

Receive step-by-step instruction for designing objective items to assess particular cognitive operations in critical thinking skills for a wide range of disciplines.

How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course?

This program identifies both general and discipline-specific critical thinking skills and how to turn these skills into good student learning outcomes.

How Can I Structure a Flipped Lesson?

Learn the structure and find the confidence to flip a lesson in a class you already teach or a new class you are teaching.