How Can I Build Community in My Online Classes?

Discover effective, easy-to-implement techniques to help instill in your online students the cooperation, trust, respect, and enthusiasm that are hallmarks of strong learning communities.


How Can I Build Community in My Online Classes?

Its axiomatic that engaged students are better learners and that engagement occurs most readily in a healthy learning community.

But what does a healthy learning community look like in an online classroom? What are the challenges of building rapport and engagement among students connected to one another—and to you —only through the Internet?

In this 20-Minute Mentor presentation, you’ll discover effective, easy-to-implement techniques to help instill in your online students the cooperation, trust, respect, and enthusiasm that are hallmarks of strong learning communities. And in doing so, you’ll promote better student retention, enhanced learning outcomes, and overall student satisfaction.


You’ll receive a wealth of tips and techniques to improve your online learning community. Learn how to:

  • Build rapport with students
  • Establish a social presence, and why its important
  • Lay the foundation for a learning community before class even begins
  • Welcome students to your class
  • Boost acceptance and ownership of your syllabus and course policies
  • Establish online office hours that work for everyone
  • Solicit and honor student feedback
  • Create spaces in which students can bond freely and informally

Learning Goals

At the conclusion of the seminar, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to:

  • Articulate the qualities of a healthy learning community
  • Design and execute a plan to welcome students and build rapport
  • Create collaborative opportunities to make students more comfortable with you, one another, and the course objectives
  • Integrate feedback-based student preferences into your classroom approach
  • Encourage free and open dialogue among your students

Topics Covered

This 20-Minute Mentor presentation centers on three critical elements of community-building:

  1. Adding a personal touch to your online teaching and interaction with students
  2. Creating a culture of belonging to enhance student engagement and involvement
  3. Establishing a framework for free and natural interaction among students


The benefits of a healthy learning community—better outcomes, better engagement, and higher student satisfaction—are always worth pursuing. But in an online classroom, you have to pursue them differently. Learn how in How Can I Build Community in My Online Classes? Order today!

Product Code: QM17KA

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