How Can I Make My Video Lectures Effective and Engaging?

This 20-Minute Mentor gives actionable ideas on how to make short, engaging videos that will align with the way students learn online.


How Can I Make My Video Lectures Effective and Engaging?

The impersonal, text-heavy nature of many online classrooms makes it challenging for teachers to engage students with class material in an interesting, meaningful way. Video lectures provide an effective way for online teachers to teach content, personalize the learning experience, and evoke social conventions that promote students’ engagement with class material. But, for students to benefit from a video lecture, they must be willing to watch it.

This 20-Minute Mentor provides guidance for designing and delivering engaging video lectures that are effective in the unique context of the online classroom. You’ll receive the guidance and direction necessary to create video lectures that are intentionally designed to capitalize on the ways that students learn online.

Learning Goals

After viewing this Magna 20-Minute Mentor, participants will be able to:

  • Design a video lecture that is uniquely suited to the online classroom
  • Use Web 2.0 technologies to create a video lecture
  • Understand the role of video lectures for enhancing student learning, engagement, and satisfaction

Topics Covered

  • Designing a video lecture
    • Chunking
    • Front-loading
    • Choosing an effective length
    • Personalizing the content
    • Using effective visuals
  • Recording a video lecture
    • Using technology
    • Encouraging student engagement
    • Achieving the right tone/enthusiasm
    • Providing transcripts

Product Code: QM20BA

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